As 30 fotos mais incríveis do Festival de Fotografia de Siena 2018

O Siena International Photo Awards de 2018 recebeu 48,000 inscrições de 156 países, e os jurados tiveram bastante dificuldade para decidir os vencedores. É lógico que os vencedores foram escolhidos e, como sempre, suas fotografias mostram o quanto nosso mundo é diverso e lindo.


Todo ano a competição conta com uma categoria especial e, desta vez, o tema foi intitulado "Chuva de Cores", buscando maravilhosas composições de cores. Assim, sem mais delongas, vamos nos deliciar com as fotografias mais fascinantes desta premiação.

#1 El Calbuco, Chile

El Calbuco, Chile (1st Place In The Beauty Of The Nature Category)

 #2 Raposa do Ártico, Estados Unidos

Arctic Fox, Usa (3rd Place In Animals In Their Environment Category)


#3 Silhueta de Rinoceronte, Quênia

Rhino Silhouette, Kenya (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)

#4 Flores Silvestres Cósmicas, Brasil

Cosmic Wildflowers, Brazil (Honorable Mention In The beauty of the nature Category)

 #5 Partilhando Emoção

Sharing Emotion (Remarkable Award In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)


 #6 O Inverno de Lofoten visto debaixo d'água

Underwater View Of The Winter Lofoten (Remarkable Award In The Beauty Of The Nature Categoty)

#7 Joana, Dançarina No Tropicana, Posando Com Sua Avó, Cuba

Joana, Dancer At The Tropicana, Sat With Her Grandmother, Cuba (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)

 #8 Nemo Na Área

Nemo In The House (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)

 #9 Casinhas de Boneca, Russia

Toy Houses, Russia (1st Place In Architecture & Urban Spaces Category)

 #10 A Onda, Águas da Antártida

The Wave, Antarctica Waters (3rd Place In Journeys And Adventures Category)

Clique em “Próximo” para ler o restante do conteúdo da postagem.

#11 Além do Rosa, Estados Unidos

Beyond Pink, USA (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)

#12 Corra!

Run! (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)

#13 Camelos No Deserto, Mongólia

Camels In The Desert, Mongolia (2nd Place In General Color Category)

#14 Sonhos de Ginástica dos Gêmeos, China

The Twins' Gymnastics Dream, China (3rd Place In Story-Telling Category)

#15 Vítima da Guerra, Bangladesh (Foto do Ano)

Battle Victim, Bangladesh (Photo Of The Year)

#16 Salto, Canadá

Jump, Canada (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)

#17 Olha o Buraco, Antártida

Mind The Gap, Antarctica (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)

#18 Intervalo, Indonésia

Break, Indonesia (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)

#19 Amor Nas Pedras

Love On The Rocks (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)

#20 A Estrada Vermelha, Vietnã

The Road Of Fortune, Vietnam (Honorable Mention in Splash of Colors category)

Clique em “Próximo” para ler o restante do conteúdo da postagem.

#21 Duelo na Neve

Duel In The Snow (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)

#22 Baleia Assassina na Noite Gelada, Noruega

Killer Whale In Polar Night, Norway (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)

#23 Partilha

Share (Remarkable Award In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)

#24 Gatinho

Kitten (Remarkable Award In Animals In Their Environment Category)

#25 Voando na Praia, Holanda

Flying On The Beach, The Netherlands (Honorouble Mention In General Color Category)

#26 Poupa de Bico Cheio, Itália

The Beakful Of The Hoopoe, Italy (Honorable Mention In Animals In Their Environment Category)

#27 Beba, China

Drink, China (Honorable Mention In Fascinating faces and characters Category)

#28 Pequeno Nenets Nedko, Russia

Little Nenets Nedko, Russia (Honorable Mention In Journeys and Adventures Category)

#29 Enfrentando a Realidade, Ilha Pleneau, Península Antártica.

Facing Reality, Pleneau Island, Antarctic Peninsula (1st Place In Animals In Their Environment Category)

#30 Criança com Pinturas, Etiópia

Kid With Hand Crafts, Ethiopia (1st Place In Fascinating Faces And Characters Category)